Can a Locksmith Make a Car Key

Car Key making

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In today’s fast-paced world, losing a car key can be a major inconvenience. It disrupts your schedule and adds unplanned stress to your day. This is where the expertise of a professional locksmith comes into play. Yes, a locksmith can make a car key, and not just any locksmith, but NonStop Locksmith in Kansas City specializes in such services. This blog post dives into the process, the technology involved, and the various types of car keys a locksmith can create. We will also tackle some frequently asked questions about locksmith services for car keys.

The Process of Making a Car Key

When you find yourself in a situation where you need a new car key, contacting a locksmith like NonStop Locksmith is a wise decision. The process involves several steps:

  1. Verification: The locksmith will first verify your ownership of the vehicle. This is a crucial step for security reasons.
  2. Identification: Next, they identify the type of key needed for your car. Modern cars use different types of keys, from traditional mechanical keys to smart keys.
  3. Creation: Using specialized equipment, the locksmith will then create a new key. This might involve cutting a new key or programming a new fob.

Types of Car Keys a Locksmith Can Make

Locksmiths today are equipped to handle a variety of car key types, thanks to advancements in technology. Here are some of the keys they can make:

  • Traditional Keys: Simple metal keys without any electronic components.
  • Transponder Keys: Keys with a chip in the head that communicates with the car’s ignition system.
  • Key Fobs: Remote keys that allow for keyless entry and other functions.
  • Smart Keys: Keys that allow for push-button start and other advanced features.

Detailed Table: Services Offered by NonStop Locksmith

Service Offered Description Time Required Additional Services
Traditional Key Duplication Cutting a new key using the original as a template. 15-30 minutes Key verification
Transponder Key Programming Programming a new key to match the car’s ignition system. 30-60 minutes Key cutting, if necessary
Key Fob Replacement Creating a new key fob for keyless entry systems. 45-90 minutes Battery replacement, programming
Smart Key Duplication Duplicating a smart key for push-button start cars. 60-120 minutes System diagnostics, programming

This table showcases the versatility and comprehensive services provided by NonStop Locksmith in Kansas City, highlighting their ability to address a wide range of car key needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a locksmith make a car key if I’ve lost all my original keys?

Yes, a locksmith can create a new car key even if you’ve lost all your originals. This involves creating a key from scratch based on the car’s lock or ignition. It’s a more complex process but entirely feasible with modern locksmithing tools.

How much does it cost to have a locksmith make a car key?

The cost varies depending on the type of key and the car’s make and model. Traditional keys are usually the least expensive, while smart keys are at the higher end of the spectrum. For accurate pricing, it’s best to contact NonStop Locksmith directly.

How long does it take for a locksmith to make a car key?

The time required can range from a few minutes for traditional keys to over an hour for more complex keys like smart keys. The exact time will depend on the specific service and key type.

Can a locksmith program a key fob?

Yes, locksmiths can program key fobs. This service includes both programming the fob to unlock the doors wirelessly and, if necessary, programming the fob to start the car.


In conclusion, losing a car key is no longer the problem it once was, thanks to the expertise of locksmiths. NonStop Locksmith in Kansas City is equipped to handle a variety of car key-related issues, from traditional key duplication to smart key programming. Whether you need to remove a broken key from a lock, understand how to start a car without a key, or require immediate auto locksmith services in Kansas City, NonStop Locksmith is ready to assist. If you find yourself wondering, “Who can I call in Kansas City to unlock my car door?” or needing guidance on what to do if you lost your car keys, remember that help is just a call away. For those facing issues with their car’s anti-theft system, our guide on my anti-theft system won’t let my car start offers valuable insights. Contact us today for fast, reliable, and professional locksmith services tailored to meet your needs.

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