Does Walmart Make Keys?

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In today’s fast-paced world, getting a spare key made quickly and conveniently is a common necessity. Whether it’s for your home, office, or vehicle, having a duplicate key can save you from unexpected lockouts. Walmart, known for its wide range of services, has become a go-to place for various needs, including key making. In this article, we’ll dive into the question: Does Walmart make keys? We’ll explore the services offered, types of keys that can be duplicated, and compare Walmart’s key-making services to those of a professional locksmith like NonStop Locksmith in Kansas City.

Key Making Services at Walmart

Walmart offers key duplication services at many of its stores. These services are usually located in the hardware section, where an automated kiosk or a manual key-making machine is available. The process is straightforward. You select the type of key you need, insert the original key, and the machine duplicates it within a few minutes. The convenience and speed of Walmart’s key-making service make it an attractive option for those in a hurry or looking for a simple key duplication.

Types of Keys Walmart Can Duplicate

  • Standard House Keys: Most common door keys for residential properties.
  • Office Keys: Keys for standard office doors, excluding high-security keys.
  • Padlock Keys: Keys for basic padlocks used in homes or for personal lockers.
  • Certain Automotive Keys: Some Walmart locations offer duplication for non-transponder automotive keys.

Detailed Comparison: Walmart vs. NonStop Locksmith

Feature Walmart Key Making NonStop Locksmith Services
Types of Keys Offered Standard, some automotive Comprehensive, including high-security, automotive transponders, smart keys, and more
Customization Options Limited Extensive customization, including key designs and advanced security features
Pricing Generally lower Competitive, with value-added services for security enhancements
Convenience High, available in many locations High, with mobile locksmith services offering on-site duplication and emergency assistance
Expertise Basic machine operation Professional locksmith expertise, offering advice on security solutions and key management strategies
Additional Services None Residential, commercial, emergency lockout services, security assessments, and more

Walmart’s key duplication is suitable for straightforward needs. However, for more complex requirements or higher security keys, professional services like NonStop Locksmith in Kansas City are recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Walmart Duplicate Car Keys?

Walmart can duplicate some automotive keys, especially those without electronic chips or transponders. For modern vehicles with more sophisticated security, it’s best to consult a professional locksmith like NonStop Locksmith, who can handle transponder keys and offer 24/7 emergency locksmith services.

How Much Does It Cost to Make a Key at Walmart?

The cost of making a key at Walmart varies depending on the type of key. Standard house keys are generally inexpensive, while automotive keys might cost more, particularly if they are available. For exact pricing, visiting your local Walmart or contacting them directly is advisable.

Is It Safe to Make Keys at Walmart?

Making keys at Walmart is generally safe for standard keys. However, for keys that require a higher level of security, it’s advisable to use professional locksmith services like NonStop Locksmith. They ensure that your keys are made with precision and that your security is not compromised.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Key Made at Walmart?

The process is quick, often taking just a few minutes to duplicate a standard key. This makes Walmart an attractive option for those needing a key made on the fly. However, for more complex keys or during peak times, there might be a wait.


While Walmart offers a convenient and quick solution for duplicating standard keys, its services have limitations, especially when it comes to more specialized or high-security keys. For those instances, turning to a trusted, professional locksmith like NonStop Locksmith servicing Kansas City is your best bet. Whether you’re locked out of your house, need a high-security key duplicated, or require expert advice on securing your home or business, NonStop Locksmith has the expertise and services to meet your needs. From residential and commercial locksmith services to emergency lockout assistance and security assessments, they cover a wide range of services across Kansas City, including Lees Summit, Waldo, and beyond.

For top-notch locksmith services that go beyond the basics, consider reaching out to NonStop Locksmith. With their comprehensive services, professional expertise, and commitment to customer satisfaction, they are equipped to handle all your locksmith and security needs. Contact us today to ensure your security is in professional hands.

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