How to Pick a Deadbolt: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Pick a Deadbolt

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Picking a deadbolt is an intricate process that requires skill, patience, and the right tools. At NonStop Locksmith, servicing Kansas City, we often encounter questions about this topic, reflecting a broad interest in understanding how locks work and how they can be bypassed in emergency situations. This blog aims to demystify the process, providing a comprehensive guide to how to pick a deadbolt.

Understanding Deadbolts

Deadbolts are among the most common security features in residential and commercial properties. They operate differently from spring bolt locks, which can be more easily compromised. A deadbolt is moved by turning a key or knob without the spring action, making it more resistant to forced entry.

Tools You Will Need

To pick a deadbolt, you will need a few specific tools:

  • Tension wrench: Applies tension to the lock cylinder.
  • Pick: Used to manipulate the pins inside the lock.

The Process of Picking a Deadbolt

  1. Insert the tension wrench into the lower part of the keyhole and apply slight tension in the direction the key would turn.
  2. While maintaining tension, insert the pick into the upper part of the keyhole.
  3. Use the pick to gently lift the pins inside the lock. You’ll need to find the binding pin, which is the pin that resists movement the most.
  4. Once the binding pin is set at the shear line, continue to the next binding pin until all pins are set.

Step-by-Step Deadbolt Picking Guide

Step Action Detail Tip
1 Insert tension wrench Apply slight tension Do not apply too much force
2 Insert pick Into the upper part of the keyhole Maintain steady pressure
3 Identify binding pin The pin that resists movement Start with the most resistant pin
4 Set pins at the shear line Using the pick Work from front to back
5 Continue until all pins are set Maintain tension throughout Patience is key
6 Turn the cylinder Using the tension wrench The lock should open

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if a deadbolt can be picked?

Not all deadbolts are created equal. Some high-security models have pick-resistant features. However, with the right tools and techniques, many standard deadbolts can be picked.

What are the legal considerations for picking a lock?

It’s crucial to understand that picking a lock should only be done on your own property or with explicit permission from the owner. Unauthorized lock picking can be considered illegal and is punishable by law.

How can I improve my lock-picking skills?

Practice is key. Start with simpler locks and gradually move to more complex mechanisms. There are also numerous tutorials and practice locks available for beginners.

What are the alternatives if I can’t pick a lock?

If you’re unable to pick a lock, it’s best to contact a professional locksmith. NonStop Locksmith in Kansas City offers 24/7 emergency locksmith services, ensuring you’re never left stranded.


Picking a deadbolt requires understanding the lock mechanism, patience, and practice. While it can be a useful skill, it’s important to approach it with respect for privacy and legal boundaries. If you’re in Kansas City and need professional locksmith services, NonStop Locksmith is here to help. From emergency lockouts to residential locksmith services, our team is equipped to handle all your security needs. For more information or assistance, feel free to contact us.

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